Tuesday, February 18, 2014

administratively separated

I signed the papers tonight and there going in the mail tomorrow. I am officially too fat for the navy. My body fat was tape measured/estimated at 23% and the standard is 22%. Time to move on.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Here's another before picture

This is me this past summer buying new Navy dress whites because I had let myself go to the point where I could not even come close to fitting my old dress whites. I went for a long walk tonight. I know I need to move more and eat less to get back to a healthy weight. I am confident in myself and I know I can do it. Right now I'm sleepy and it's time for bed.

Monday, December 10, 2012

This is my 'before' picture

This is what I did to myself with about a year's worth of eating at Culver's and not exercising as much as I should have. (I did run to prepare for stripping at night with Team Challenge - please DONATE to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America on my fundraising page! I'm only at 75% of my fundraising goal and I only have until Jaunary 2nd to reach my goal. I already look better than I did in this picture - I shaved the mustache! (To my left is Bucky, my plastic cat. I love cats, but my sweet wife is allergic to cats.)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I decided to start a blog

So I decided to start a blog so I will have a place to write things that are longer than a tweet or a facebook post. Stay tuned and see what happens!